EUMarineRobots - Marine robotics research infrastructure network
EUMarineRobots (EUMR) is an H2020 funded project which main objective is to open up key national and regional marine robotics research infrastructures (RIs) to all European researchers, from both academia and industry, ensuring their optimal use and joint development to establish a world-class marine robotics integrated infrastructure. The EUMR consortium comprises 15 partners from 10 countries who, collectively, can deploy a comprehensive portfolio of marine robotic assets with required associated support assets and expertise. The network is a strong and balanced grouping of globally distinguished key players with a diverse, track-record of excellence across marine / robotic sectors. Partners are members of a wide variety of existing networks, and research infrastructure collaborations both formal and informal across Europe and the world. EUMR is a first stage in aggregating these networks and assets to support the growth of a strong community of practice in marine robotics.
EUMarineRobots (EUMR) provides transnational access (TNA) to state-of-the-art marine robotic platforms, systems and facilities across Europe. The Infrastructure listing includes a full-range of aerial, surface and underwater marine robotic assets, the combined value of which is far greater than the sum of their parts.

Three Calls were open so far during the project to offer transnational access to the consortium’s marine robotics R&D assets worldwide (TNA Calls in numbers here). No more Calls are scheduled to open until the end of the project (November 2021), but execution of the offered TNAs are still occurring and you can consult their outcome here.
Besides the TNA activities, the EUMR project has significant contributions in Training and Education activities as well as in joint research activities. These activities were planned and organized with the marine-robotics community in mind. Webinars, lectures and other training materials, as well as several marine robotics tools are available on the EUMR website in the tabs Training and Education and Web Interfaces and Tools.
Upcoming activities of the project:
LSTS plays a key role in the consortium as the leader of the EUMR consortium, which is coordinated by Prof. João Sousa (LSTS-UPORTO). The consortium is composed by University of Porto, University of Bremen, IST-ID, ISME, UNIZG-FER, University of Girona, University of Limerick, PLOCAN, NATO-STO, HWU, NTNU, Marine Institute, DLTM, NOC and IFREMER.