
The TITAN dual-quadcopter is the newest member on the LSTS aerial fleet. It was designed to be able to land on the water, stay on the surface and takeoff from the water, while capable of carrying considerable heavy payloads.

With eight 75cm propellers, 2m blade-to-blade diameter and weighing at 20kg, this water landing capable copter is equipped with an acoustic modem payload, becoming the first of its kind, capable of flying to the operational site, land in the water, communicate with AUVs assets, relay orders, retrieve data and finally take-off from water and return to base.

Fleet: 1

Dimensions 1.4 x 1.4 x 0.75 m
Endurance Up to 20min with payload
Wind Tolerance up to 10 knots
Maximum Payload 16 Kg
Communication Wifi 2.4 GHz | Acoustic Modem (Seatrac X150 USBL)


Maritime Operations

The TITAN was developed with maritime operations in mind, being resistant to seawater and able to withstand submersion for short periods, the vehicle is ideal for carrying specialized cameras, water sampling modules and communication relay payloads.

Network Extension

Through the on-board Wi-Fi radio and the acoustic modem, the TITAN was made to be the central point in any array of vehicles and operations on a maritime environment. The vehicle can not only exchange data and commands between the operation station and underwater vehicles, for instance, but can also extend an existing Wi-Fi or acoustic network for field operation.

Autonomous Navigation

Using either commercial autopilot or in-house created solutions, these vehicles are capable of manual and autonomous flight during all stages of the mission.